Deep cleanse your dog’s coat and skin

Detox and rejuvenate your dog’s coat

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kaolin clay for dogs

detox with Kaolin clay

kaolin clay is known for its gentleness and effectiveness when it comes to cleansing. Kaolin clay has the ability to adsorb and absorb nasty build ups in hair follicles and skin.

by using kaolin clay as a key ingredient in the shampoo, bobby’s choice clay detox shampoo is able to clean your dog effectively without harming their natural coat and skin condition.

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Clay detox series

select detox shampoo according to your dog’s coat type

smooth coated dog coat illustration 3
wavy & curly dog coat illustration 3
double coated dog coat illustration 3
unique ingredients

made with unique ingredients

clay shampoo for dogs large 1
detoxifying and rejuvenating

The natural
that benefits animals

having clay in the shampoo helps rejuvenate your pet’s coat and bring life to its overall wellbeing.

restore your dog’s natural coat and skin today!